Episode 10: We’re All One or None! All One!
With Dr. Bronner’s CEO David Bronner
150 years and 5 generations of family soapmaking
Dr. Bronner’s was founded in 1948 by Emanuel Bronner, a third- generation master soapmaker from a German-Jewish soapmaking family. He used the labels on his superb ecological soaps to spread his message that we must realize our unity across religious & ethnic divides or perish: “We are All-One or None!” Still family-owned and run, Dr. Bronner’s honors its founder’s vision by continuing to make socially & environmentally responsible products of the highest quality, and by dedicating our profits to help make a better world. All-One!
David Bronner is Cosmic Engagement Officer (CEO) of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, the top-selling brand of natural soaps in North America. He is a grandson of company founder, Emanuel Bronner, and a fifth-generation soapmaker.
David and his brother Michael established Dr. Bronner’s as a trendsetter in the organic body care industry by becoming one of the first brands to certify its soaps, lotions and balms under the USDA National Organic Program in 2003 — marking the beginning of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps’ issue-oriented activism in the natural products marketplace. David made this possible and meaningful by implementing fair trade all over the earth, family farms, and co-ops.
Because of David’s personal mission and efforts, today, Dr. Bronner’s coordinates certified Fair Trade projects for all major ingredients, including olive oil from the West Bank and Israel, coconut oil from Sri Lanka and Kenya, peppermint oil from India and palm oil from Ghana. David pioneered the use of 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) bottles for the liquid soaps, as well as a hemp and recycled paper blend to package the bar soaps.
As the main facilitator of the Hemp Industries Association’s (HIA’s) successful multi-year litigation against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), from 2001-2004, David played a crucial role in US farming of industrial hemp and defending sales of hemp foods and body care in the U.S.
David is an active supporter of both the HIA and Vote Hemp. He is also a key leader in the fight to label GMO foods in the U.S. David dedicates time and resources to many different issues on behalf of the company’s mission — which encompasses commitments to making socially and environmentally responsible products of the highest quality, and to dedicating profits to help make a better world.
Did you know that Dr. Bronner‘s knows how to heal the soil to heal the planet? This is a Company that selflessly truly lives by example!
The most technically sophisticated form of agriculture, designed to solve our future food & climate challenge and the most ancient, wise, and timeless way of growing is Regenerative organic agriculture. David made this possible and meaningful by implementing fair trade all over the earth, family farms, and co-ops. He and his Dr Bronners’ family is helping turn the earth around. From a corporate view it was not the cheapest idea but from the helping the earth view, it was incredible. He achieved this with his innate fundamental, environmental and social ideals and applying them to the earth around us and applying them to reality to serve the ideals Dr. Bronner his grandfather put on the label. Join us as the quest to unite spaceship earth continues. So excited to release my next Grey Matters Now podcast Episode 10 with David Bronner. Hands-down one of the most fascinating conversations I’ve ever had!!!
Dr Bronners mission is profound and simple –
In all we do, let us be generous fair and loving to spaceship earth and all its inhabitants…
For we are all one or none – ALL ONE!
to view the HUGE list of resources and collaborations: https://www.allone.report/2022
Rodrigo’s Recycled Art:
Dr. Bronners Magic Soap Box : http://magicsoapbox.com/a-note-from-sara/
Dr Bronner’s original folk song is from the movie Dr. Bronner’s Soap Box – see credits from movie
Sigmund The Seamonster in front of David’s car when we met: