Last year I had the honor of speaking with Nilima Bhat about her new book, workshop and lecture series Shakti Leadership : Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power in Business. Nilima is a world renowned author, speaker, facilitator and visionary and may be one of the most insightful, bright, and balanced souls I have ever met. The principles of Shakti leadership are applicable and can be integrated not only to big businesses but to any system or organization. I think we all are aware that inequality, sexual misconduct, and the abuse of power and control to mistreat others exists and most know it is wrong.
Nilima believes we should have “how to” books to get us through life’s most challenging times -so she writes them! There actually is a formula within us all to restore male and feminine balance. This book is just one of the products of her evolution through her life’s journey. We also discuss her fascinating and colorful life that led to this point and this endeavor. Besides being one of the most remarkable people I have met as a human being, she is a highly respected business woman and leader. I hope you read all the show notes to link to her projects, participation opportunities and experiences – impressive is an understatement!
Since this interview there has been a HUGE shift, rise and movement of voices powerfully and courageously saying enough! We have had enough of this unbalance of power, enough imbalance in the work place, enough inequality, enough abuse of power and enough sexual misconduct. The principles of Shakti leadership do not bash males – they are recipes for both males and females to restore balance and peace. The outcome would be holding the value of a free and fulfilled world and power for all.
I asked Nilima a few days ago about her thoughts re: the big shifts and movements this year. I also asked specifically about the #meetoo, #enoughisenough and #nomore movements. Below are her thoughts in response in her own words:
The #Metoo movement is a direct outcome of the rising tide of Shakti that we write about in the book. Women are waking up, growing up and showing up after centuries of not knowing their power.
It is also a time now to end the battle of the sexes and hospice the Patriarchy. To become fully Human. And to #RiseInLoveTogether. As Whole Man and Whole Woman.
The only way to come into our full power and deal with the challenges at hand, is to become psychologically whole. ie, develop and express our mature feminine as well as our mature masculine values and behaviors, consciously.
We can do this best when we practice Presence; that state of equanimity where we reclaim our true and unlimited inner power or Shakti; and are able to lead the context instead of becoming a victim of it.
It is two years since Shakti Leadership was launched and it feels as if its REAL value and application is now. It may well have heralded this time of reckoning and for which we since launched a campaign called #Let’sRiseInLoveTogether, aimed at restoring Gender Relations. Shakti Leadership is a call to both men and women to come into their wholeness and hold the Sky up together.
See below the links on what I have been busy with this year:
2018 Highlights with Raj Sisodia and myself:
22-30 Jun 2018 Himalayan Shakti Tour
Oct 2018-Jun 2019 Shakti Fellowship Program; Scholarship available – Apply by 31 May
Registration details on the links
Nilima Bhat
Author | Speaker | Facilitator | Coach
Thought Leader on Conscious Leadership,
Diversity & Inclusion, Integral Health