John Abate is a returning guest from Episode 13. In Episode 13 John discussed how he integrated his mindfulness based stress reduction practice as a large part of his recovery from a horrible hit and run incident on his bicycle. He not only recovered but got back up stronger than ever and went on to win and crush cycling events.  He also became committed to providing hope and support to other accident survivors.

This year John took his mindfulness practice next level and became a MBSR certified instructor. In this conversation we discuss his journey to be more connected to the earth and to teach Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

We both agreed that this is a crucial time to spread awareness of the benefits of mindfulness.

Being able to use our mindfulness tools as we emerge and sift through the dust and debris of 2020 will be more important than ever on so many levels!

Thank you @johnjabate for shining your bright light, sharing your warm grounding energy, the amazing conversation and the generosity of your time.

Follow -> @mindfulfoundations101 to learn more and visit mindful for more details about MBSR and an 8 week course with John.

Music credits:
Chris Zabriskie – Everybody’s Got Problems That Aren’t Mine
CC BY 4.0 _Thoughtless_-_01_-_Everybodys_Got_Problems_That_Arent_Mine